When You Struggle to Meditate You really struggle to meditate but you know that meditation can help you unwind and relax but your mind is just too full. You just can’t do it. You start thinking of all the … Continue reading
When You Struggle to Meditate You really struggle to meditate but you know that meditation can help you unwind and relax but your mind is just too full. You just can’t do it. You start thinking of all the … Continue reading
We often don’t notice the stress our body holds. We sit for long hours at our screens. We hold in the thoughts we can’t express. Worry makes us serious, tense and panicky. So try any of these three tips to … Continue reading
It might be time to burn your journal and start again with a fresh one or at least pull out some pages. I see many comments on social media advising others to journal their problems. So today I thought I’d … Continue reading
What is a business chakra balance? Your business has it’s own energy. You are more than your business and your business is more than you. So why not treat your business as the separate entity that it is? Firstly you … Continue reading
Let’s talk about your energy system Firstly let’s talk about our energy system to work out where emotional energy fits in. Although we have many major and minor chakras we focus on our 7 main chakras. These are the energy … Continue reading
Mood is Powerful Emotional energy is our inner fuel. It’s what gets us out of bed each day to take part in the world. So what is your emotional energy saying? When we acknowledge and express our needs, we add … Continue reading
Feel Good Tips We don’t expect to feel good, happy, ecstatic all of the time. But if you can have a sense of satisfaction and feel good about yourself most of the time then life feels fabulous. So how do … Continue reading
What is Vibration Everything around us has its own vibration or frequency and like sound waves can be measured. It is all made of energy. When our vibration is high we feel lighter, positive and happy. When it decreases we … Continue reading
When getting to know yourself again it can be quite an in depth process for some of us. As a caring sensitive woman you often give over your needs because of your innate self . Often its not because of … Continue reading
When it comes to using chakra energy to get more balance and purpose in their lives … people in my audience often have a 💥 BURNING question: Why do I feel energy drained around certain people? You’re looking forward … Continue reading