Discover Your Wise Energy Type: Embrace Your Inner Mentor

wise energy type

Wondering about your natural ability to lead with confidence and guide others through challenging situations? If you took our “WHAT’S YOUR SIGNATURE MINDSET ENERGY STYLE?” quiz and got the Wise energy type, this post is for you.


Firstly why is it important to embrace your wise energy?


Many of us who possess great inner knowing often get derailed by self doubt and perfectionism. But your confident nature is actually your greatest asset. You’re a natural MENTOR. You have a natural ability to assess a topic from various perspectives which leads to using this information in the best way for each situation.


But your biggest challenge is Perfectionism. You give away your power too easily. You can be easily distracted by thinking you should have done things differently or you need to achieve more. You might find this interferes with your true problem solving abilities.


By learning more about your Wise energy style, you’ll discover how to use your self assurance as a source of strength and resilience.


Let’s dive into what makes the Wise energy type so special.


In this blog post I’m digging into the details and characteristics of the Wise Energy Type.

We’ll talk about 7 Ways to Embrace Wise Energy

1 – Embracing Your Confident Nature

2 – Thriving on Independence

3 – Balancing Perfectionism and Self Doubt

4 – Valuing Mutual Support

5 – Thriving in Work Roles

6 – Solar Plexus Chakra: The Center of Your Wise Energy

7 – Practical Activities for Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra


So let’s get started!


1 – Embracing Your Confident Nature

As a Wise energy type, you naturally lead with confidence, inspiring those around you with your calm assurance and logical thinking. Your inner knowing is what sets you apart and makes you a natural mentor.


Your ability to approach problems with a clear, focused mindset gives others confidence in your skills and decisions. It’s important to recognise and honour this ability within yourself.


When you acknowledge your natural knowing you give yourself permission to embrace it fully and use it to positively impact the lives of those around you.


Have you ever stopped to appreciate how your confidence influences others? When this comes from a natural instinct, you just can’t turn it off, it’s part of who you are and what your life purpose is.


But it’s also essential to find acceptance of your worth.

Start by making a daily habit of being aware of when you’re listening to others talk about a problem. Take notice of the way you turn the problem to view it from different perspectives to seek viable answers.

Be aware of how you notice solutions click into place. What’s that point of inner knowing that feeling of being absolutely on track. What wisdom is there to be shared?


Remember, your confidence is a beacon — let it shine brightly.


2 – Thriving on Independence

Your Wise energy type thrives on independence, allowing you to navigate life with a strong sense of direction and purpose.


You are the captain behind the wheel of your life, and once you set your sights on a goal, you can stay on target.


This determination is a key aspect of your character and one of your greatest strengths.


This drive is your superpower.


Embrace it by setting clear, achievable goals and celebrating each milestone. Your independent spirit fuels your journey, guiding you toward success with focused clarity and intention.


wise energy type


3 – Balancing Perfectionism and Self Doubt

Despite your strong problem solving abilities, self doubt and perfectionism can occasionally derail your confidence. As someone with a Wise energy type you might struggle with the inner critic that questions your worth and decisions, leading to insecurity and stress when expectations are not met.


However, setting healthy expectations is essential to avoid overthinking decisions and ensure that you can continue to guide others effectively.


And I know it’s not always easy to stop being distracted by thinking you should have done things differently or you need to achieve more, but you need to learn to listen fully to your inner knowing.


And when you truly understand this core part of you that is a natural mentor you can take it to a higher level. You become a leader, guide and advisor.


Do you often feel that nothing you do is ever quite good enough? It’s a common challenge, but acknowledging your efforts and progress can help.


Start by not comparing yourself to others. Make a list of your own values, goals and skills and your steps to achieve them.


Remember, perfection is an illusion, and intention is what truly matters. Embrace the journey and celebrate each step forward.


4 – Valuing Mutual Support

Healthy relationships are balanced and supportive, allowing both parties to give and receive guidance.


As a Wise energy type, it’s easy to be too independent, but it’s just as important to both give and receive advice with others.


Recognising this balance can enhance your relationships and prevent feelings of inadequacy or left out.


How do you let others support you in your life? If you find it challenging, start by reaching out to a friend or loved one and sharing something you need feedback on or recommendations for places to visit.


Letting others help you is a sign of strength, not weakness. It reinforces the idea that relationships should be mutually beneficial.


By allowing others to give back, you create a more balanced dynamic that benefits everyone involved.


5 – Thriving in Work Roles

Your Wise energy type excels in roles that value strategic thinking and problem solving. Whether as a consultant, team leader, or engineer, your confidence and analytical skills are invaluable. You thrive in environments where you can use your strengths to drive innovation and improvement.


Are you in a role that allows your strategic mind to flourish?


If not, consider exploring opportunities that align with your strengths. Roles like consultant, manager, or entrepreneur are perfect fits for someone with your skills. But don’t discount any other roles that inspire you.


Sales Administration, customer service and marketing are all great options for wise energy. Any role is not just what you do, it’s how you do it and how well you advise others.


Your ability to assess situations from various perspectives and find the best solutions sets you apart in the workplace.


6 – Solar Plexus Chakra: The Center of Your Wise Energy

Your Wise energy type is deeply connected to the solar plexus chakra, the center of confidence, personal power, and self assurance.


I’ve found that many people have a theme running through their personality and life challenges that is their particular chakra harmony. Informational energy also flows between the 7 main chakras. For the Wise energy type their signature chakra harmony or grounding point is the solar plexus chakra.


A balanced solar plexus chakra ensures you can lead with confidence and make decisions with clarity. When assessing a current problem in work or life, whether your own or mentoring others, tuning into your solar plexus chakra can help you process your thoughts and find a confident solution.


To keep your solar plexus chakra balanced, it’s essential to regularly check in with yourself. Ask yourself: “Do I feel confident and empowered today?” This simple question can help you stay grounded and aware of any imbalances.


When you feel centered in your solar plexus chakra, you are more equipped to handle life’s challenges with assurance and clarity.


7 – Practical Activities for Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Engaging in daily practices can help maintain the balance of your solar plexus chakra and overall energy. Here are three practical activities to incorporate into your routine:


Daily Affirmations: Start your day with affirmations that reinforce your confidence and personal power. Say aloud, “I am confident and capable of achieving my goals.”


Visualisation: Visualise your day and all it entails. Imagine all the components of questions and answers coming together with ease through clear direction from your inner knowing.


Mindful Journaling: Reflect on your daily achievements and moments of confidence. This practice reinforces your self assurance and helps you stay focused on your personal strengths.


Meditation and Visualisation for the Solar Plexus Chakra

A simple meditation to balance your solar plexus chakra involves visualising a yellow light radiating from your solar plexus. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Imagine a warm, yellow light glowing in your solar plexus, expanding with each breath. Feel the light fill your abdomen, spreading confidence and strength throughout your body.

Stay in this visualisation for a few minutes, then gently bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Journal Prompt and Affirmation

Journal Prompt: “What is one decision I made confidently today, and how did it impact my sense of self-assurance?”

Affirmation: “I am confident and capable, and I trust in my ability to make wise decisions.”


Understanding your Wise energy type is a powerful step toward embracing who you are and leveraging your strengths to create a balanced, fulfilling life. Let your confident spirit shine and take the time to nurture yourself as you guide others.


By doing so, you’ll not only enhance your own well-being but also continue to be a beacon of confidence and wisdom for those around you.


  • Recognize Your Strengths: Embrace your confident nature and problem solving abilities as your superpowers. Acknowledge the positive impact you have on others and see your self assurance as a source of strength.
  • Balance is Key: Prioritise refreshing your thoughts to maintain focus and avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism and self-doubt. Regularly practice self-compassion and celebrate your progress.
  • Set Boundaries: Practice setting realistic goals and remind yourself that perfection is an illusion. Healthy boundaries ensure you can continue to support others without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Seek Mutual Support: Allow others to support you, creating balanced and healthy relationships. Reach out for help when needed and foster relationships that are mutually supportive.
  • Find Your Niche: Align your career with your strategic strengths for a fulfilling work life. Look for roles that let your confident nature and problem solving abilities thrive.


So there you have it 7 Ways to Embrace Wise Energy Type…


Want to know more about your Signature Energy? Just tap below to take my free quiz and whether your energy style is Serene, Intuitive, Sensitive, or Wise get some tips on how to approach your busy life with clarity and intention!

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