Discover Your Intuitive Energy Type: Embrace Your Inner Creative

intuitive energy type

Wondering why you often find yourself guided by feelings and imagination? If you took my “WHAT’S YOUR SIGNATURE MINDSET ENERGY STYLE?” quiz and got the Intuitive energy type, this post is for you.


Firstly why is it important to embrace your intuitive energy?

Many of us struggle with the intensity of our own emotions and thoughts, often mistaking them for distractions. But your sensitive nature is actually your greatest asset. You lead with curiosity. You’re a natural Creative, you lead with curiosity and insight. You have an individual style that can get overwhelmed by deep feelings.


Your biggest challenge is Emotional Overwhelm.


You give a piece of yourself to every emotion you experience. You might find that you stifle yourself when you bury emotions to fit in rather than letting them flow in healthy ways.


By understanding more about your Intuitive energy style, you’ll discover how to channel your creativity and intuition as sources of strength and balance without losing yourself in the process.


Let’s dive into what makes the Intuitive energy type so special.


In this blog post I’m digging into the details and characteristics of the Wise Energy Type.

We’ll talk about 7 Ways to Embrace Intuitive Energy


1 – Embracing Your Curious Nature

2 – Thriving on Imagination

3 – Navigating Emotional Overwhelm

4 – Balancing Spontaneity with Routine

5 – Thriving in Work Roles

6 – The Sacral Chakra: The Center of Your Intuitive Energy

7 – Practical Activities for Balancing Your Sacral Chakra


 So let’s get started!


1 – Embracing Your Curious Nature

As a Intuitive energy type, Curiosity is your superpower. It drives you to explore new ideas and experiences, making life vibrant and exciting. Your natural inclination to dive into the unknown keeps you engaged and constantly learning. It’s this love for discovery that makes you so spontaneous and fun to be around.


When you lead with curiosity, you open yourself up to a world of endless possibilities and adventures.


To harness this energy, make it a point to regularly explore new interests or hobbies. Whether it’s picking up a new book, trying out a different hobby, or simply asking more questions, feed your curiosity. By setting aside time each week for these explorations, you’ll keep your mind sharp and your life exciting.


Remember, your curiosity is what makes you unique, so embrace it fully.


2 – Thriving on Imagination

Your Intuitive energy type thrives on imagination. It fuels your creativity, allowing you to see possibilities where others see limitations.


This is your secret weapon in both your personal and professional life. When you let your imagination run free, you’re able to come up with innovative solutions and fresh ideas that can transform any situation.


Your community looks to you for new and exciting perspectives because you don’t just follow trends; you set them.


One of the best ways to channel your imagination is by visualising your goals and creating vision boards. This practice not only helps you clarify your aspirations but also keeps you motivated and focused. Take some time to sit down and map out your dreams visually.


This can be a fun and creative process that reaffirms your commitment to your goals and inspires you to take actionable steps towards achieving them.


woman sitting on sofa lighting a candle to embrace her intuitive energy


3 – Navigating Emotions and Overwhelm

As an intuitive energy type, sensitivity allows you to connect deeply with your surroundings and people, making your creations resonate on an emotional level. This trait can be both a blessing and a challenge.


When emotions run high, they can cloud your judgment and disrupt your sense of balance.


On the one hand, it enables you to create work that is profoundly moving and authentic. On the other, it can lead to emotional overwhelm if not managed properly. By acknowledging and embracing your sensitivity, you can use it to fuel your creative growth rather than hinder it.


As an Intuitive energy type, you might find yourself absorbing the emotions of people and places around you, leading to added stress and confusion. By staying present and allowing the emotional experience to flow through you rather than absorbing it you can let your imagination create from them.


Daily mindfulness exercises can help you process your feelings healthily and productively. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to meditate, journal, or engage in deep breathing exercises.


By staying present and aware of your emotions, you can turn them into a powerful source of inspiration for your creative endeavours.


4 – Balancing Spontaneity with Routine

As an intuitive energy type, you thrive on spontaneity but can struggle with maintaining a routine. Finding a balance between the two is important for your wellbeing and productivity.


Spontaneity keeps your life interesting and allows you to seize new opportunities, but too much of it can lead to chaos and a lack of direction. On the other hand, a rigid routine can stifle your creativity and leave you feeling trapped.


The key is to create a flexible routine that accommodates both structure and spontaneity.


To achieve this balance, establish a schedule that includes time for both planned activities and unplanned activities.


You might assign your mornings to structured tasks based on their level of priority and leave your afternoons open for whatever inspires you in the moment. This way, you can enjoy both the stability of a routine and the freedom of spontaneity.


Finding this harmony will help you stay productive while still nurturing your creative spirit.


5 – Thriving in Work Roles

As an Intuitive Energy Type, your strengths in creativity, imagination, and emotional insight are key assets in roles that thrive on innovation and fluid thinking.


Embrace the full spectrum of your emotions, including the challenging ones. Feelings of sadness, anger, or fear are just as valid and important as joy and excitement in developing emotional insight.


Careers that allow you to channel your curiosity and originality can be incredibly fulfilling. But don’t get tied into thinking that creativity is automatically linked to only being artistic or writing.

Whether you’re working as a designer, writer, baker, hairdresser or cleaner, your unique ability to blend imagination with practicality will set you apart and drive your success.


Are you in a role that allows your imagination to flow?


Reflect on whether your current job taps into your creative potential and lets you explore new ideas. If your role lacks the imagination and flow you crave, consider exploring careers that align more directly with your intuitive strengths. Positions such as Graphic Designer, Writer, or Marketing Specialist are perfect fits. Your creative flair and ability to see beyond the conventional can lead to impactful projects and inspiring work environments.

But don’t discount any role that inspires you. The key is to intuitively create with the ingredients life gives you. And if work life feels dull brighten it up with your individual colour and flair.


6 – The Sacral Chakra: The center of your Creative energy

As an Intuitive Energy Type, your creativity is deeply connected to your Sacral Chakra. This energy center, located in your lower abdomen, is associated with creativity, emotions, and personal pleasure.


When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel more in tune with your inner creativity and can navigate your emotions effectively. It’s essential to ensure this chakra is well grounded to support your creative endeavours and overall wellbeing.


When assessing a current problem, particularly in work or life, checking in with your Sacral Chakra can provide valuable insights. Are you creating the right things for yourself? Are your emotional needs being met?


By tuning into this chakra, you can better understand how your creative and emotional energies align with your current challenges.


This awareness can guide you in making adjustments to support your personal and professional growth.


7 – Practical Activities for Balancing Your Sacral Chakra:

Engaging in daily practices can help maintain the balance of your sacral chakra and overall energy. Here are three practical activities to add into your routine:


Creative Expression: Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity, such as painting, writing, baking or crafting. This helps stimulate and balance your Sacral Chakra.


Sensory Enjoyment: Surround yourself with things that bring you joy and pleasure, like indulging in a favourite scent, listening to uplifting music, or enjoying a warm bath.


Emotional Release: Find healthy ways to process and release emotions, such as talking with a friend, journaling, or participating in a creative project.


Meditation and Visualisation for the Sacral Chakra: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, where the Sacral Chakra is located. Visualise a warm, orange light radiating from this area, growing brighter with each breath. Imagine this light soothing and balancing your emotions, creating a sense of calm and creativity. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to feel grounded and connected to your inner creative self.


Journal Prompt and Affirmation:

Journal Prompt: “What creative activities bring me the most joy and satisfaction? How can I incorporate more of these into my daily life?”


Affirmation: “I am in tune with my creativity and emotions. My Sacral Chakra is balanced, allowing me to create with ease and joy.”


Understanding and leveraging your Intuitive energy type allows you to harness your natural abilities effectively while maintaining balance.


By nurturing your intuition and integrating practical approaches, you can enhance both your personal and professional life, creating a harmonious and fulfilling path forward.


  • Embrace Your Intuitive Nature: Recognise and celebrate your natural ability to sense and adapt to the energies around you. Your intuition is a powerful tool that guides you in making decisions and understanding others. Trust in your intuitive insights as they help you navigate both personal and professional challenges.
  • Balance Intuition with Practicality: While your intuition is a strength, balancing it with practical steps is essential. Ensure that your intuitive decisions are supported by concrete actions and planning to avoid being swayed by fleeting emotions or unverified feelings.
  • Manage Overwhelm Effectively: Develop strategies to handle overwhelm, such as grounding exercises and mindfulness practices. These tools help you stay centered and make informed decisions, allowing you to harness your intuitive insights without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Nurture Your Intuition: Regularly engage in practices that enhance your intuitive abilities, such as meditation or journaling. These activities help refine your intuitive skills and maintain a clear connection with your inner guidance.
  • Align Your Work with Your Strengths: Seek career opportunities that align with your intuitive strengths. Roles that require strategic thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of others are ideal. Positions that allow you to leverage your intuition, such as in creative fields or advisory roles, will be most fulfilling.


So there you have it 7 Ways to Embrace the Intutive Energy Type…


Want to know more about your Signature Energy? Just tap below to take my free quiz and whether your energy style is Serene, Intuitive, Sensitive, or Wise get some tips on how to approach your busy life with clarity and intention!

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