Complementary Therapies are becoming more widely used. Modern medicine is more accepting of the value of Natural Therapies and will often recommend natural therapies to try before prescribing medications. Often a Doctor will recommend a Natural Therapy to be used in addition to whatever he/she prescribes. This is where the term Complementary Therapy comes from.
Today there are many recognised Complementary Therapies which are approved by a leading Institute for both membership and insurance.
We’re all familiar with massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reiki and chinese herabal medicine. Rekindled Ancient Wisdom balances energy and is also a recognised Complementary Therapy taught in Australia via accredited workshops. Right from completion of Level 1 you are able to work with clients. Each Level accesses more scan lists and particular balances which can be more specific in getting to the targeted issue.
Here’s a list of other therapies which you may not be so familiar with.
- Access Bars
- AccessEFT
- Aromatherapy
Body Talk Systems
Chakra Balancing
Chinese Massage
Chinese Medicine
- Reiki
- Quantom Touch
- Kiniesiology
Palm Energy Reading
- Pranic Healing
Seichim Healing
- Remedial Massage
These are just some of the modalities listed.
So how do you choose a Complementary Therapy?
Often you become aware of complementary therapies through a friend, online research or maybe your doctor. You need to research the modality through professional associations to assess if it’s right for you.
Some philosophies of complementary therapies
Complementary therapies tend to share a few core beliefs, including:
- Illness occurs if the body is out of balance.
- The body can heal itself and maintain a healthy state in the right circumstances.
- The whole person should be treated, not just the disease or the symptoms.
- There is no quick fix, since healing and balance take time.
- Natural products are preferable to synthetic ones.
- Most complementary therapies Do Not Diagnose. They work with symptoms and feelings. What is happening, or led to the dis-stress.
Things to remember
- Complementary therapies are systems which treat the whole person, not just symptoms of illness
- Modern medicine is increasingly aware of complementary therapies.
- You may not need to choose between conventional medicine and complementary therapies, but you MUST keep ALL your health carers informed to ensure you are using your medicines safely.
So tell me – What natural therapies have you used or familiar with?
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