Tune into your heart, ask for guidance then choose a picture – A, B or C for your Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message A

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message

Higher Power – the Divine essence is all

You are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and your own higher power fostering it through meditation and prayer.

Sometimes your work just flows through you, ideas rush in, inspiration bubbles up from a place within that you didn’t know you could access.

This happens when you allow your higher power to lead.

Tend to your spiritual connections and remain aware of your true nature. Your relationships, projects and work will all benefit from the flow that occurs when you do

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message B

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message

Message in a Bottle – Communication pointing the way to your highest good

Spirit sends you signs when you ask for them. Expect confirmation you are pointed in the right direction. Spirit hears you and the reply is favourable.

You can expect someone to favour you with positive news. It could a letter or phone call. You are the intended receiver so stay open to what you learn. Only good will come of it in the end.

You are coming into alignment with your destiny and Spirit wants you to know you’re on the right track. Expect a call, new opportunity or a message from an old friend or contact that will lead you closer to your dreams.

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message C

Wisdom of the Oracle Bow Message

Breathe – Have patience to trust in the process of going slowly

You’ve been going at a rush so slow down, meditate, trust and breathe. And repeat.

Humans cannot exist without drawing breathe. So allow this life giving element of air to replenish your body, your being and your very essence.

Stop to smell the roses, breathe in the sunlight and release the darkness.

The heart needs time to open. Take a breathe and allow nature to take its course. Release constriction and anxiety. Savor the moment and the waiting won’t seem so difficult.

Your heart knows what the ego resists learning. Patience always pays off as it allows natural progress in the right direction.

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