Tune into your heart and ask yourself this question … What do I need to express more of who I truly am

Then choose an Ocean and allow your message to flow

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message


Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message A

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message

Love – Compassion

Cultivate love and compassion for yourself as well as others. Our thoughts and feelings whatever we put out there has the power to influence our reality. So regardless of what we are experiencing whether it be fear, anxiety or sadness when we can turn that into compassion we cease to separate ourselves.

True compassion needs us to be fully attentive listeners, through our hearts as well as our ears.

Fear, anger and judgement are common ways to block our natural desire to love. So look beneath the surface of these feelings to what is really happening so that you can release them with forgiveness, bringing you back into your heart.

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message B

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message

Tsunami – Wake -up Call

You may feel stunned by dramatic events occurring around you but take this is your wake up call. It is time to draw back the curtain of avoidance and denial and confront the truth that exists within this event.

You can’t outrun the wave that is happening but you can avoid being swept up in its destructive force by moving to higher ground and a different perspective.

If you look back you may recall signs that were so subtle you dismissed them as imaginings rather than the voice of your inner being.

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message C

Earth Magic Oracle Ocean Message

Fire – Passion

What are your passions? What sets you alight, turning on that creative spark. What ignites that special feeling that is missing in your life?

Although some external circumstances or events can trigger passion, it comes from within whether it is quietly or enthusiastically expressed. Passion can be powerful enough to motivate action.

So dig into yourself. What do you love to create, what excites you enough to pursue, open yourself to it and find a means to express it


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