Tune into your heart, ask for guidance then choose some Bubbles for your Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message


Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message A

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message
Pink Lily – Stand by Your Commitment

You may have promised yourself you’d begin a new exercise plan, start meal planning or enhance your connection to your inner guides. This card is your reminder to stand true to your word.

What’s standing in your way of following through? What emotions or feelings of resistance have popped up to tell you these stories.

Focus your attention on dissolving these barriers.

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message B

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message
Primrose – Peer Pressure

It can be helpful to ask others for information or feedback about a subject but always ask yourself – Does this resonate for me, Is this true for me..

Trust yourself and your feelings and only go with a decision that feels right for you. There is no need to rush. Let yourself be guided by the perfect outcome for you.

Do your own research, consult professionals and be wary of outside influence or pressure.

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message C

Flower Therapy Oracle Bubbles Message
Orange Lily – Uplift Your Thoughts

Let go of any thoughts around imperfections. Change your perspective. Instead view them as uniqueness or special qualities. Then focus on these as blessings as you allow your thoughts to become calm.

Your thoughts have the power to create your reality. So focus your thoughts on the goodness, the uniqueness, and the possibilities you can create with them.


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