

The treatment provided by a practitioner of Energy Healing is of a therapeutic nature only. It is not of a diagnostic or curative approach. The practitioner is not a medically licensed physician and therefore and suggestions and recommendations made by the practitioner are not a substitute for prompt medical attention. Clients should continue to see their health care provider and should not stop prescribed medications.

Energy Healing is a complimentary medicine. Modern medicine works on the physical body and the mental aspects. Energy healing works with the emotional body.

As the emotional aspects improve those improvements may flow on to other existing ailments. As your emotional health improves always consult your other practitioners in regard to any medicines or treatment that they have prescribed for you.

Complementary Medicine refers to a wide variety of healthcare practices and therapies that are not generally integrated into the conventional practice of medical doctors and allied health professionals in our society.

After any energy work drink plenty of water, be kind to yourself, take a walk in the garden or nature and be aware that energetic toxins may be purged. If you have any concerns please contact the practitioner with all details of any healing work you have had.

Don’t overload your energy system by combining multiple healing modalities in a short space of time. Give your energy time to process the healing work you have already had.

The practitioner provides no guarantee of the results from a treatment. The practitioner is not responsible for the misuse of suggestions and comments for the relief or lack of relief of symptoms. The practitioner accepts no responsibility for the client once they leave the treatment rooms.

All information provided by the client will be strictly confidential and only used to interact with the client.

Last updated January 2018