What Earth Magic Oracle Message are you in need of today?

Just tune into your heart and ask your question … Then reach out and choose a Stone to pop into your pocket


Earth Magic Oracle Message


Earth Magic Oracle Message


Earth Magic Oracle Message A

Earth Magic Oracle Message

New Moon – Promise

This is the time to launch something new. A project, a relationship or renew something that has been put aside for later.

With your intention and willingness to allow a full cycle to complete itself, that which you desire will manifest.

The seed of that idea is ready to emerge. Your next step is put into action the steps needed to achieve this idea.

You only need to align your will with the will of Spirit and focus your intention upon the result. Then watch to see what unfolds



Earth Magic Oracle Message B

Earth Magic Oracle Message


Dreamtime – Creation

Close your eyes, tune into your breathing and allow yourself to sink deeply into the heart of the living creature you are.

Observe the urge within you, that is begging to come forth in some creative action.

Pay attention to images, sounds or feelings that catch your attention and there you will find the key as to how to express this magnificent creative urge.

Your breath is the crossover between your physical reality and spirit. Discard any habitual thought patterns that prevent you from following what you are being prompted to bring forth.

Instead focus on your breath and follow its steadiness.



Earth Magic Oracle Message C

Earth Magic Oracle Message


Autumn Equinox – Release

Now is the time to let anything in your life fall away that is no longer useful or needed for the emerging expression of who you are.

Allow yourself to gradually shed what has become burdensome and no longer congruent to your souls purpose.

Look at all your material possessions and be brutally honest with yourself as you discern which of these you need to release in some way.

Consider shedding relationships that have served their purpose and are no longer viable, as well as work or a job that has become devoid of interest or passion.

With release comes a sense of being much lighter, with room prepared for whatever new experiences are being gestated.

So let go of whatever has outlived its purpose and trust that something else will take its place.


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