How to Clean Your Mindset to Attract Better Opportunities

a creative assistant skimming through book titles on how to clean your mindset

Want to clean your mindset… but not sure where to start?

You know you have some mindset habits that pull you down from time to time. You’d like to have a plan to get you out of that before you spiral into overthinking every move you make.

So, in this blog post, I’m going to outline the first 5 steps to clean your mindset because let’s face it when you feel better you attract better.

Our goal here is to set you up with some mindset changes that will ….

✔ grow your mind

✔ attract better people

✔ give more balance and purpose to life


Ready for the 5 Steps to Clean Your Mindset?

Step 1 – begin with gratitude

Step 2 – convert negative beliefs

Step 3 – use positive affirmations

Step 4 – practice meditation

Step 5 – put together a daily routine


Sounds like the step-by-steps you need? Well let’s dive in.


Step 1: Begin with Gratitude

Gratitude does wonders to steer your thoughts away from being negative and bring you into the present moment.

Start with the little things. Even if’s only your morning cuppa or your comfortable bed focus on the feeling of gratitude and nurture that little flame.

Before you know it you’ll have an intentional habit of recognising possibilities throughout your day to practice gratitude and clean your mindset.


 Here are 5 Ways to Practice Gratitude


1 – Begin a Gratitude Journal

Focus on writing about what you’re thankful for. This could be family, friends, pets, walk in the park, cozy home, your car, a gadget in the kitchen, places you’ve visited, books you’ve enjoyed…. You get the idea.

And sometimes it’s the messy bits of life that stick in your mind and that’s okay too because then you can focus on finding something to be thankful for amongst the messiness. Someone you’ve met, something you learned, a strength you’ve discovered, a value that can’t be denied. And it’s these things that help lift you out of that messiness with more compassion for yourself.


2 – Gratitude Jar

Choose a pretty bottle, vase, biscuit tin that you already have and keep it on the kitchen counter with a notebook. Each day take a small piece of paper and jot down what made you happy on that day. Fold and drop it into the bottle.

It could be as simple as- Today am grateful for

  • Sunshine and flowers
  • Coffee with a friend
  • Smiles


3 – Gratitude Meditation

This is a very simple method of meditation perfect for a beginner in meditation. Start by finding a quiet place to sit and just focus on your breathing, in and out gradually making your out breath longer and deeper. Once you start to feel relaxed let your mind wander to all you have seen and heard today to feel thankful for. This helps me focus and meditate more easily. Give it a try!


4 – Mindful Hugs

Every time you hug your partner, friend or family take a moment to embrace the warmth and thank the universe for this wonderful gift of their presence today.


5 – Mentally Make a List of 3 Things to be Grateful For

This method of gratitude practice is my absolute favourite. You can do this several times throughout the day and there’s NO journaling or meditation. Before sleeping I let my mind recollect 3 things I’m grateful for. I’ve found this encourages better sleep. I’ve found it’s just as beneficial to do sitting on the balcony with my morning coffee, listening to the birds sing.


Step 2: Convert Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs live in our heads because they’ve drifted in with a bad experience and we’ve allowed them to stay.

When you think things like “I’m not likeable” or “I can’t cook” or “something always goes wrong when I try to” these are negative or limiting beliefs. They dig their way deeper every time you repeat them.

If you keep repeating “I’m such a failure, nothing ever works out for me” then that’s what you continue to attract.

Identify them, delete them, replace them. Choose a few positive affirmations that bring your mind back to the present and use them as an anchor.


(Pssssst…. You can 📌 pin this article for reference to your “Mindset is Everything” or “Chakra Mindset” board!) 

a creative assistant skimming through book titles on how to clean your mindset


Step 3: Use Positive Affirmations

Use affirmations the right way. Start with what you know to be true. Let these statements anchor you to the present, before expecting them to bring you miracles.

When you say an affirmation take notice of how it feels in your body. Is your body saying it’s not possible or do you feel yourself nodding because it feels right?

Over time you can attach the affirmation to a specific topic. In this case what might feel right today may not be so next week attached to a different topic.


Here are 9 positive affirmations to help you shift to a positive mindset.

  1. Today I choose to be happy.
  2. I have the power to direct my life.
  3. I am enough.
  4. I believe in myself.
  5. I am constantly growing.
  6. I welcome new challenges.
  7. I attract positivity and happiness.
  8. I am resilient, calm and capable.
  9. I can solve problems and come up with solutions that work.


Step 4: Practice Meditation

Start by dropping back into your body or grounding yourself. This is as simple as shifting your attention from your work back to your forehead to your navel then to your feet.

I find when I’ve been busy doing external things, researching, typing, talking to someone then do this simple exercise it gives me a similar internal effect as going down in an elevator, you know that dropping feeling.

This can be followed with relaxing each muscle area of the body, slow breathing techniques or tuning into a sound like music, bird calls or even a ticking clock.

The aim of meditation is to give your mind space from thinking and let your body or intuition be heard. Allow yourself to be aware of any thoughts that can lead to negative beliefs.


Step 5: Daily Routine

Create a routine to get you started with being more positive. Keep it to a simple five to ten minutes then let it grow naturally.

  • Use this time to set your intentions for the day.
  • Choose a couple of affirmations to keep your self talk on track throughout the day.
  • Then use this routine last thing to close your day knowing you’ve done your best regardless of the outcome.


5 steps to clean your mindset



So, there you have it! … The five steps I suggest you follow – to clean your mindset. Follow these steps, and as you clean up your mindset and feel better you will also attract better. You’ll also have more balance and purpose in life.

And, remember… If you’re ready to unlock your unique energy style and gain clarity and direction in your life, I have something to help you start.

Just tap below to take my free quiz and whether your energy style is Serene, Intuitive, Sensitive, or Wise get some tips on how to approach your busy life and own your energy with clarity and intention!

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